Child Malnutrition

Afghanistan’s Silent Emergency 

Afghanistan’s malnutrition rates have reached a record high, with almost 10 million children (under the age of 5) and mothers suffering from child malnutrition based on reports from Save the Children, Afghanistan. The country has one of the world’s highest rates of stunting in children under five, affecting 41 percent of this age group. Additionally, one in three adolescent girls suffers from anemia, and shockingly, only half of Afghan babies are exclusively breastfed during their first six months, depriving them of essential nutrients crucial for their development. Decades of political injustices, war, and other issues have exacerbated the crisis, making Afghanistan the world’s largest humanitarian emergency. Poverty levels have risen dramatically, increasing from less than 40% in 2007 to nearly 60% in 2016.

Picture: Aseel Helping Child Malnutrition Causes in Indira Gandhi Hospital – Kabul

By the end of 2021, half of the population was living below the poverty line. Alarmingly, about 58% of children under 17 years of age are impoverished, with the number increasing to 61% for children under 9 years old, as reported by the National Library of Medicine. Meanwhile Child malnutrition in Afghanistan has far-reaching consequences beyond physical health. Malnourished children face stunted growth, weakened immune systems, and impaired cognitive development, hindering their ability to reach their full potential. This situation perpetuates a cycle of poverty and deprivation that affects the nation’s future prospects. Since August 2021, when the government fell, Aseel has been tirelessly working to raise funds and provide aid to the people of Afghanistan, including Afghan children’s education. So far, we have directly assisted approximately 600,000 people in Afghanistan. 

Our specific focus is on tackling child malnutrition, recognizing the potential of these children and the impact they can have on the nation’s future. By supporting Aseel, you contribute to providing malnourished children with essential food and shelter items, giving them hope, nourishment, and opportunities to thrive as our initiative aims to break the cycle of malnutrition and provide essential support to those in need. Your donations, no matter how big or small, can make a significant difference in breaking the cycle of child malnutrition and empowering these children under 5 to build a brighter future. Together, let’s be a force for good and bring nourishment, hope, and opportunities to those who need them the most. Donate to Aseel today and help us combat the crisis of Afghanistan children malnutrition.

Our Impact


Families Supported


individuals Supported


cities covered


Food Packages Distributed

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