Help the Victims of Afghan War

Supporting those Affected by Conflict

The Afghan War and Crisis between 2001 -2021 has taken a severe toll on Afghan civilians, leaving many facing unimaginable hardships and crises. About 243,000 people have been killed in the Afghanistan/Pakistan warzone during this period, as reported by the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. The Afghan war has not only caused physical damage to civilians, but it has also inflicted invisible wounds. In 2009, the Afghan Ministry of Public Health reported that fully two-thirds of Afghans suffer from mental health problems.

Picture: Aseel Helping War Affected Families in Jawzjan  

At Aseel, our mission is to address the immediate needs of those impacted by the Afghan War and Crisis and provide Aid for Afghan War Victims, offering essential humanitarian assistance, medical care, and relief supplies. Additionally, we aim to address the Effects of the Afghan War, mitigating the long-term physical and psychological effects of the conflict on individuals and communities.

Your contribution, no matter the size, will go a long way in helping us extend a lifeline to those in need. Let’s unite to provide hope, healing, and support for the victims of the Afghan war and crisis.

Our Impact


Families Supported


individuals Supported


cities covered


Food Packages Distributed

Media Coverage​