Support for Afghan Orphans
Guarantee Their Future through Aseel Orphanage

Afghanistan, a country torn by war and conflict for three decades, has left behind a devastated population, including countless orphan children. According to the United Nations’ reports, as of July 2022, the country’s population stands at 40.7 million, with approximately 48% being children aged 0-17 years old. Tragically, 1.6 million of these children are Afghan War Orphans, orphaned due to the prolonged armed conflicts. The consequences of this war have gone beyond ruins, poverty, and unemployment. More than 50 orphanages, both public and private, have faced financial crises, resulting in almost 50% of them closing down.

Picture: Aseel Helping Omid-e-Farda Orphanage with Food

The dire situation in Afghanistan has earned it the unfortunate label of being the “worst place to be born in the world,” according to a report by UNICEF. 
As the one and only direct and transparent aid delivery platform in Afghanistan, Aseel is dedicated to Sponsoring Afghan Orphans and providing essential support for them. Our aim is to build the Aseel Orphanage, addressing their needs in a more comprehensive manner. Through your generous sponsorship, we plan to offer these vulnerable children the Sponsoring Afghan Orphans for food, education, and the care they need to create a brighter future.
With the recent Taliban takeover and the deepening economic crisis, the hardships of Afghan orphanages have worsened. Forty out of a hundred children residing in these orphanages have been sent to live with relatives as the growing economic crisis incapacitates institutions, leaving thousands of Afghan orphans without shelter. By becoming a sponsor, you become a guardian of hope for Afghan War Orphans, securing their future and Nurturing their Lives. 

Your support enables us to provide them with nourishing meals, access to quality education, and a loving home where they can heal from the scars of war. We believe that your compassionate support can empower these Afghan orphans, offering them stability, love, and a chance to break free from the cycle of conflict. Together, we can Help Afghan Orphans and open doors to a world of possibilities for them, giving hope for a brighter and more promising future.

Take action now and sponsor an Afghan orphan at Aseel Orphanage. Your commitment will make a significant difference in their lives, providing Support for Afghan Orphans, Sponsoring Afghan Orphans for food and education, and giving them the opportunities and Help Afghan Orphans deserve.

Our Impact


Families Supported


individuals Supported


cities covered


Food Packages Distributed

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